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is Prostitution legal in malaysia?

Is Prostitution, Escort Service & B2B Massage legal in Malaysia?

Prostitution is often seen as morally wrong, but it’s still a business with people offering and seeking these services. So, what does the law in Malaysia say about it?

Contrary to what many think, the Malaysian Penal Code doesn’t directly say that prostitution is illegal. This means that engaging in sex work itself is not automatically breaking the law.

But, even though prostitution itself isn’t illegal under criminal law, certain activities related to it are banned. These include:

  1. Making money from a sex worker’s earnings.
  2. Approaching people for prostitution.
  3. Managing or supporting a brothel.
  4. Kidnapping someone to force them into prostitution.

If you get caught doing any of these things, you could face imprisonment, fines, or even whippings.

For example, soliciting in public or running an unlicensed brothel is against the law. Offenders may face fines or even imprisonment.

Conclusion Despite being illegal, the prostitution industry still thrives in some parts of Malaysia, especially in cities. There’s a debate about whether criminalizing prostitution pushes it underground and makes it harder to protect sex workers, or if legalizing it would only lead to more exploitation, especially of vulnerable individuals like women and children.

This information was prepared by a lawyer but is not legal advice. It’s always a good idea to consult with a lawyer before taking any legal action.